Admissions FAQs
May I defer payment of the application fee?
No. The Graduate School requires that the fee, $25 for US citizens, permanent residents and refugees, $30 for international applicants, be paid before an application is evaluated.
Where is my application? How soon can I know the result?
An application, and all supporting material, must first go to the Graduate School Office. After it is complete and approved by them, it is sent to CACS. After our evaluation, we return the application to the Graduate School, who notifies the applicant. This process may take 4-8 weeks or more, depending on the number of applicants, and how quickly TOEFL scores and transcripts arrive. Spring, when Fall applicants are being evaluated, is especially busy.
May I submit my application material directly to CACS, to be evaluated before the Graduate School has finished its processing?
No, the Graduate School must approve your application, with TOEFL, and transcripts, first.
Do I need to take the GRE general exam?
No, it is no longer required. However, it may strengthen your application if available.
Does CACS need my Financial Statement and Proof of Immunization to consider my application?
No, it is advisable to submit them with the rest of your application, as soon as possible. Note that in the case of an international student, the Graduate School cannot issue an I-20 without these documents.
Should I wait until I know if I will be offered an assistantship to submit the Financial Statement?
No. Submit the Statement showing whatever finances you have. If you are offered support, the Graduate School will add it to the monies shown on the Statement.
When can I know if I have been offered an assistantship?
Some offers are usually made about 3-4 weeks after the deadline for assistantship applications (1 March for Fall; 1 November for Spring). A waiting list is also created at this time from which more offers are made whenever an opening is available.
Common misunderstandings
Transcripts must be sent for all Universities and Colleges attended, even if no degree was earned. Official transcripts, issued by the University, are required. If a program is still in progress when applying, a final transcript and proof of degree must be sent when available.
The I20 for an international student is issued by the Graduate School Office, never by CACS.
How is the student life at the University of Louisiana?
There is always plenty to do outside the classroom and the laboratory. You can check it out on the University's main website.